Saturday, February 4, 2012

Selena Gomez takes a risk?

   Selena Gomez will star in the movie "Spring Breakers" but is it a risk? You see, most of Selena's fans are very young and I don't think that this movie is one they can see. Here is a description of what happens to Selena's character: "She goes out with her friends to rob a fast food chain to pay for their spring break, but they end up in jail. After getting bailed out by a drug dealer, they need to pay him back and it isn’t pretty what he wants them to do. The drug dealer’s played by James Franco, who tells the Spring Breakers they need to assassinate his competition." 

   If Selena stops doing stuff for her younger fans they could loose interest in her, her acting and her music. The key word here is COULD. Is this a too big risk to take? Who knows?!!! But she took it... Maybe Selena IS trying to get away from her Disney image, maybe she wants to be taken more seriously and become more for older people. I mean Miley Cyrus did the same as soon as she went away from Hannah Montana, maybe Selena wants that... Anyway it's her decision!

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